Time flies when you are having fun. Has it really been a month since I have blogged? I have something I have been working on but it is on my other computer and I need to email it to myself so I can get it on this computer. Until then here
is a shamelessly cute pic of Butch, Sundance and Hopalong. I know to most of you who live up north, this looks like Fall, but actually, this is what winter looks like in the great state of Texas.
This was taken during our Christmas holidays. Butch is in the argyle sweater vest, Sundance is in the blue sweater vest and Hopalong is the little one. Butch and Sundance are wearing the same shirt but as they won't let me dress them like twins anymore, this is the most I can get away with.
What handsome young men!
Posted by: Katie | February 14, 2008 at 07:49 AM