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November 08, 2007



I do grocery shopping once a month, so our cart would be way too long to list, but I'll give you the staples we cnt live without!
Organic Milk
Organic Spring Salad Mix
" Feta
Go Lean Crunch
Flax Seed Bread
Bandon Cheddar 2# loaf (x2)
Baked white corn tortilla chips
Salsa Ingredients (Jalepenos, habeneros, onion, garlic, tomatoes, lime, cilantro...)
Annie's organic Sundried Tomatoe and Sesame Dressing
Local eggs
Local Fruits and vegies
Bulk loose teas
Ethiopian Yagirgacheffe(sp?)coffee Beans 5#
Organic half and half
Torbanado Sugar
English Cucumbers
My grampa raises our meat, so we don't have to buy much of that. I usually get organic spicy turkey sausages & hotdogs.
I also almost always get whole wheat pastas, natural yogurts with 8 LACs, and things like tomato sauces, olives, pickles, albacore, crackers...
Now I'm hungry and am going to go fix lunch!


Good list, Athena!

I love Jiffy Corn Muffin mix...it always reminds me of my Granny!

I like Central Market, too...and Sprouts, but they are so far from me that I don't make trips there very often.

Thanks for playing along!

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