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November 09, 2007



I met a woman recently who, upon learning that I homeschool, said "I could never stand to be with my children that much." And this was a loving mother. It made me sad, to say the least.

Thank you for a wonderful post - and your answer to that woman was so true!


Hi Athena! Its been such a long time and I'm so glad you stopped by to say 'hi'.

What you've written here is so encouraging. I also love being with my kids and really don't understand those that feel that way. No, I often don't have the patience I should - but do me that is a different issue.

Cindy B

I think it is great that you homeschool. To be honest, after knowing you in college it surprised me. I am probably one of those mom's who has thought (though not said out loud) "I dont have the patience or couldnt be with my kids all day to homeschool". And I think Im a pretty good mom. I found after some time as a stay at home mom, that Im better at mothering when I have a job to go to. Im fortunate that I work in education and am home when my daughter gets home from school and we get all the same holidays and breaks. While I do miss out on somethings I know we are doing what is right for our family. Any time I hear about the "mommy wars" or discussions about the best way to educate children I cringe. There is no right way to parent and most of us are learning as we go. I for one learn from many people, most who are different and do things much differently than me. You are doing a great job raising your boys. Keep it up.



I hopped over from the Carnival of Homeschooling today -- thanks for giving us a "peek" into your homeschool!!

We also homeschool and are somewhat CM-ish. We have three boys, ages 9, 7, and 5.

I LOVE the Green Hour banner in your right-hand column. Did you make it yourself? I couldn't find one that cute on the WWF Green Hour website! May I borrow yours, if it is yours to give? I'd love to like from my blog.


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