Yesterday, Butch and a neighborhood boy decided to liter our front yard with newspapers. Honey was home and caught them throwing papers all through in the bushes and trees. He quickly made them clean it up and issued a punishment to Butch of one week without playing with this boy.
I was feeling that this punishment was WAY to much and did not exactly fit the crime but so as not to go against Honey, I enforced said punishment and decided to "talk" to him about it later.
A little background information, Honey's father was quite the authoritarian and Honey's best way of parenting is thinking what his father would do and then doing the opposite.
Tonight, Honey and I discussed the punishment and I let him no that I thought it was too long and the punishment should have only been for 1-3 days. He felt the punishment had been appropriate and after we discussed the matter further, I finally figured out that he thought he was being quite generous as his father would have given him a month's long hiatus from the friend and he only gave a week. In Honey's mind, he had cut the punishment by 75%.
I am so glad that I was able to talk to Honey about this instead of us both being angry about the situation which has been blown out of proportion anyway. I think Honey let Butch do some chores to cut the time even more. I am so grateful God has given me this man who loves God and his family and wants to do what is best for all of us.