here is a story I started last night.
The snow started falling about three o’clock. All three boys went searching for gloves, hats and coats. By the time I finally got the youngest’s coat on, the older boys had already conquered a dragon. The neighborhood boys all showed up in the yard to play in the falling snow. It was not sticking to the street but Texas children do not care. Snow is snow and you have to take advantage of it when it is falling or you will miss the fun until next year.
As I watched the boys out the kitchen window, I washed the pile of dishes that seems to never go away. They were knights fighting the barrage of arrows flung from the nearest castle. There was snow stuck to their hats. Their coats were soaking wet but these were boys and they did not care.
I thought about how I should abandon the dirty dishes and piles of laundry and head outside
with them. I was feeling sorry for myself for trying to keep the house picked while three growing boys tried to mess it up. I loaded the dishwasher with plastic cups, plates and bowl. We have not used ceramic dishes since the twins were born. The buzzer on the dryer went off and I stopped to switch out the laundry, only 5 more loads to go.
I gazed out the window and glanced down at the dish where I place my wedding ring when I am doing dishes. My wedding ring is a beautiful white gold diamond solitaire with four small diamonds surrounding it. My husband surprised me with it on a hot June evening. Nested under my ring is a small simple gold band with “W to L” engraved in the band.
“W” is my great-grandfather Walton and “L” was my great-grandmother Lelia. They have left me with a family heritage of faith