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April 26, 2006



Reading your blog would certainly be on my list!


What a great list!

Thanks for your comment on my blog this morning. It really made me smile! You are very sweet. Definitely one of my favorites!!

Miss Roxie

Love your list ~ I'm just discovering U2! LOL. Not that I never heard of them before, but I've only recently really listened to their lyrics. And your blog is one of my favorites, too!


I don't know what you're selling your panties, but if they are underWARE, you must really need new ones. I prefer underwear.


I love several of the things you love! Cary Grant movies, grace, sweaty little boys (and one particular BIG boy), laughing, dusk... (there was more) but here are some of mine!
The wisdom of Pooh, French, cobblestone cottages, rippling brooks, forget-me-nots, back scratches, White chocolate coconut mochas, Running my toes through Floakati, Peach Jellybellies, Lifehouse, Vivaldi's 'Spring', The sound of silence in the late eventide under the Aspens, Lupine, Pekingese, James Taylor, The scent of wet dirt and old cellars, weeping willows, galloping on horseback, Horefrost, castles, classic books, Nat king Cole, Hearing James say my name, pussywillows & the meaning of names... I could go on. ... How fun!

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