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March 25, 2006



Oh, poor toddler!! My DD got bit a lot one time at her preschool. Poor thing was allergic and her foot swelled up so that she had to go shoeless for a couple of days. Ice packs helped.

We (the kids and I) actually went with a couple of other ladies to a nursing home this morning to lead their worship. It was nice and loved hearing them sing with us. Beautiful!

Miss Roxie

Oh, poor toddler, yes!! Bless his little heart ... and feet. Just so you know, an old remedy for the ant bites is to cut an onion and rub the juice on the bites. Sounds weird, I know, but I learned about it first hand at a homeschooling picnic! It spots the swelling short.

Hope he feels much better today ( and you also, I know how ant bites on a toddler's feet can affect a mom).


What a day!
I'm so sorry for your little one! Praying he heals soon~


Sounds like you had a day of emotional ups and downs. Some days are just like that.

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