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February 18, 2006



Cute, Cute, Cute....they do grow up fast. It seems like yesterday mine were little and now they are 8 & 11.


Oh, I love the pictures and the popcorn dinging is just too cute!! I love it!

I know what you mean about them growing up fast. Mine are and I keep telling them to stop it but they just won't listen!! ;o) DD says, "Mommy, I'm trying but I just can't help it!!"


I beg to differ. I don't think Spencer is growing up fast enough. I think it's about time he start cooking his own popcorn instead of just pretending.

Just kidding!

Miss Roxie

How great it must be to have two big brothers! He must be one happy little guy. Happy Birthday, Toddler! What a cutie you are. :)

Toddler Blogger

They grow up so fast. Mine just turned two on the 17th of Feb. I have another one will be two next march! Let's hope we survive the terrible two's.

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