If you don't care to read my confessions just head on to the next blog on your list. If you are still reading, I covet your prayers for my struggle. You see, I have an addiction. It causes me to have hateful feelings, it makes me crazy, it consumes my thoughts sometimes, it takes away from my quality of life. What you may ask is this addiction that this mostly normal 40 (eek)year old mother could have and why is she still behind the wheel of a car?
My addiction is to using food to mask or numb my feelings. So you see, I can still function in polite society with this addiction. Matter of fact, my church supports it with pie socials, potluck dinners, and celebration banquets. My family supports it with gallons of ice cream, brownies, and Mexican food. Society supports it with Pizza Hut ads, KFC coupons in the mail, Happy Meals and $4.99 all you can eat.
When I was younger, this addiction was not so much a problem. I played tennis every afternoon for 2-3 hours and it just didn't matter. In college, the all you can eat cafeteria food and the late night snacks fed my addiction but the summers found me back on the tennis court. After college, lunches out of the office, school cafeteria food and the church singles group helped this addiction continue. There were times that I would fight it and would win for months at time but some stressful event would happen and my addiction would raise its ugly head.
After Butch and Sundance were born, I won over my addiction for a year and a half. It was awsome. I was working out, eating right, my mood stabalized and life was pretty smooth. Then another life event came along and it was back to feeding the beast (the addiction, not me). Baby came along and with many late nights and sleep deprivation, the best way to sooth the feelings was to feed my addiction.
What are and were the results of this addiction? Well here I sit at 300.4 pounds. My knees hurt, I have decreased energy, my sex drive is almost nil (my poor Honey), my mood swings, I am having sleep issues. It hurts and even embarasses me to type that. How can anyone weigh that much? After the twins were born, I got down to 240 but that was still 90lbs from where I should be. This is not the most I have weighed. The most was after Butch and Sundance were about 18 months old. 318 It even makes me sick to write that. My own mother died from complications of diabeties which was brought on partially from excess weight and she was only ever 40-50 lbs over weight. I need to do something about it and last week I started.
Here is the good news. I am doing something about it. My addiction is a spiritual issue as well as an eating issue. I have such a passion and a love for people and the world that I eat over my feelings. When I am angry, I eat. When I celebrate, I eat. When I am sad, I eat. When I am happy, I eat. When I am (fill in the emotion), I eat. I know that I need to fill that with Christ and that He is the only one who can make that feeling whole. I know that in my head and I know that in my heart but putting it into practice is where I stumble. That is why I call it an addiction rather than just a problem. I know the solution.
I am not playing the blame game on this one either. I have choices to make and there are times when a Twix just sounds more appealing than a walk around the 'hood or reading the Psalms. I know that only Christ can transform my heart so that I desire the walk or the scripture more than the Twix. Only Christ can turn off my stomach when it is full. Just like any addict, it takes baby steps. Right now we are on a meal by meal prayer vigil. I have to pray to eat right for each meal. The good news is that it works. When I ask God to guide my eating, He does. Isn't that wonderful. When I try to do it on my own, I get out of control. Tonight, as I suck down a bottle of water instead of eating a late night snack, I have accomplished there I go again, Christ has helped me with a baby step.
I started back on Weight Watchers last week and at the first weigh in, I was down 5 pounds from 305.4 at the initial weigh in. I am also going to attend a First Place Bible study at my chruch. (First Place is a spiritual based weight loss program.) I kind of look at it as wearing suspenders and a belt. Right now I need all the help and support I can get. My husband is a great cheerleader. He does not nag me when I fall but he does encourage me when I succeed. My dad encourages me too. Any time I start a new program, there is a two week honeymoon when it is pretty easy. The two weeks are over and I am feeling pretty raw. Like my feelings are on my sleeve.
My prayer this week is for Christ to be in control of my feelings and my eating. I want Him to be glorified in all that I do and to glorify Him is to eat in control. Tune in next Thursday night for my progress. Or join me in this adventure and let me know how you are doing.