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August 17, 2005



It sounds just like it's supposed to be. The greatest benefit of homeschooling (in my opinion) is that you don't have to do the typical school things. Your boys get the tremendous advantage of having a teacher who doesn't have to waste time getting to know them or where they are...you can get right to the learning and in a fun and meaningful way. I applaud you! Plus, what teacher gets to have waffles with her students? Lucky you! You're all in my prayers.


Go, You! Hey, you started, right? I still follow the public school pattern here in New Jersey of not starting til after Labor Day - mostly for my own personal sanity, and because I think it's deep somewhere in some bio-rhythm of my soul :-)
I noticed something else that was missing from your day - something that not so many women talk about anymore, with the advent of pre-pre-preschool - and that's the feeling of loss, the sudden quiet of the house after the schoolbus drives off, the tears you finally give in to. On my worst days, I think about that moment - and thank God I don't have to experience it. (OK, the sudden quiet would be appealing, but I digress...)
Sounds like you had a very good start!

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