How wrong I was!!! I taught special education and had a classroom full of medicated children. I am now a parent of three beautiful boys and God has shown me how wrong I was. Each of these children are uniquely designed by God to bring glory to Him. One of my sons would almost definitely be labeled "hyper" but with lots of love, training of habits and constant reminders he is a blessing to live with. We have decided to homeschool all of our sons so that the person who is training and teaching them can be the person who loves them the most in this world. Is this the easiest path? Goodness no. It would be much easier to send them away for seven hours a day while I shopped, rest, cleaned house uninterupted but this is not what God has called me to. When He gave me these three gifts, He called me to care for them in the best way I know how. God calls them to Him and here at home is the best place to hear that call.